Looking back I should've started one on Johnston Atoll and kept it going as it would've helped me try to remember some stories. I did take a lot of pictures so that helps. You could pretty much live with me on the island through all those photos (but you wouldn't get that nice Hawaii tan).
Well in case y'all didn't know, I did it again but I'm heading somewhere else. I'm heading to Mongolia (the country north of China and south of Russia. Ya I know you forgot there was a country there.) I'll be heading out May 29. I'll be working as a Peace Corps Volunteer working in Community Youth Development. Before you ask, no I don't know what that means. From what I can tell I'll figure that out when I get there (when they let me know exactly what I'm doing), but I can tell you I will be working with kids (duh) either directly or indirectly. I believe I will be working at a secondary school (high school) but again I won't know until I get there.
Well I've started to make the rounds at various health clinics and will hopefully be done on Wednesday. Do you know how hard it is to find the polio vaccine? I have to go to a neighboring county's health department to get it. Thats after calling a couple doctors offices, the county-I'm-currently-living-in's health department, and various drug stores. Oh well. Hopefully that's that.
It seems to be customary to post aspiration statements, resumes, and an application timeline on these blogs so I'll post one at a later date. I guess keep following, there's hopefully more to come. Pictures will be posted either here or on facebook or both. Enjoy.
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