Friday, October 31, 2014

Намрын дунд сар цас орсон.

Happy Halloween! Well my friends, it’s been a while. A whole two months passed since the last time I wrote. A lot has happened since the last time I wrote. Let’s see if I can catch you up on the madness.
The first biggest event we had here in Umnugovi was the Gobi Marathon. Several PCVs came down for the marathon. It was also a quasi-family reunion between some PCVs, namely me, Jerome (my pseudo big brother), Kelbe (my pseudo cousin) and Jimmy (my other pseudo cousin). If I can remember right, 9 or 10 PCVs and a couple of the staff came down for the event. It was a good weekend for them to come down. During that Thursday and Friday, Dalanzadgad had a craft fair where herders and others came down to sell their goods. While there were some homemade cashmere products, the fair was mostly food based with people selling aral, airag, bislek, and other dairy based products. 

 The finish line of the Gobi Marathon

More after the break.