I am at the half way point of PST or Pre Service Training. I have been living in Sukhbaatar (Сукбаатар: it's pronounced Sukh-bahter) in the Selenge (Сэлэнгэ) Aimag. I'm about 15 minutes south of the Russian border and it's subsequently the first stop on the Trans-Siberian Railroad as it enters into Mongolia (монгол). It's a beautiful city with 40,000 people. It's the second largest city (or a close third to Darkhan) while UB is the largest with 1.7 million. Unlike the rest of Mongolia fishing is big here with three rivers located nearby (and the fish are delicious though they need to work on their frying skills. I have successfully told them about double frying and they have since been double frying my food when it's fried. But I digress).